1989 Healy
1990 Patterson
1991 Bowers
1992 Slaback
1993 Skrable
1994 Booth
1995 Casey
1996 Bronson
1997 Ryan
1998 Denham
1999 Rich
2000 Turner
2001 Vargo
2002 Ziemer
2003 Cember
2004 Maher
2005 Moeller
2006 Reinig
2007 Pryor
2008 Willison
2009 Terpilak
2010 Kirner
2011 Hiatt
2012 Cherry
2013 Lambert
2014 Aldrich
2015 Nicholson
2016 Tarpinian
2017 Potter
2018 Rao

1994 William McAdams Outstanding Service Award Acceptance

1994 McAdams Awardee Lee Booth with ABHP Vice Chair Scott Medling

I would like to thank the William A. McAdams Award Committee, the Academy and all CHPs for this award. It is truly an overwhelming honor, especially considering the previous awardees. I suspect the Committee made its selection before I proposed that all CHPs undergo a written examination for certification renewal.

The many years that I have been involved with Board and Academy functions have been both challenging and rewarding. It would not be possible to overestimate how much I have learned from participation in this process. The greatest reward, however, has been the opportunity to work with so many of you. I am continually amazed by the dedication of so many hardworking, enthusiastic, respected health physicists to the certification program. It gives renewed meaning to the old phrase, "if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it." The strange thing is that so many of you volunteer for this self-flagellation. I can only conclude that it is all a labor of love, since the pay isn't so hot.

As has been pointed out by previous McAdams Award recipients, ABHP accomplishments are seldom the result of a single individual's endeavor, but stem rather from the contributions of many. So it is that I cannot take credit for any significant ABHP achievements or milestones, since so many of you have contributed to each. It is also impossible to thank all of you by name, so I won't even try. I hope it will be sufficient to shout a collected "Thanks!"

For those of you with whom I have not yet had the pleasure of working, I encourage you to step up and take the plunge. I'm certain you will find the experience as exciting and rewarding as we have. At the very least, it will keep your knowledge level high, just in case you need to pass a written exam for certification renewal.

[Note: I realize this only slightly resembles what I actually said at the Academy meeting. I have found it much easier to write today than it was to speak back then. 10/4/94]